Optimized content – The first method that many people use in order to improve their Google keyword ranking is to optimize their pages. But the trick here is that you have to put in the effort and the creativity in order to do so. You cannot simply write up an article and submit it to a variety of directories and expect your site to rise to the top of the search engines’ results.
To achieve the best rank tracking tool, I recommend using a Google Webmaster Tools account. This will allow you to monitor your site’s position across the major engines. It also allows you to check your competitors. You should set up a Google Campaign and set up a Google Keyword Positioning Tool. This will allow you to see what your competitors are doing, and what you need to do to improve your own optimization efforts.
Clicks – The second way is through the process of CPC (cost per click). To achieve the best rank tracking tool, I recommend that you use a Google Keyword Positioning Tool to calculate the cost per click based on the number of times your ad is displayed. But this is a numbers game. To get a real boost in your site’s ranking, you want to focus on only those keywords with low competition, low overall searches, and very few 1 impression clicks.
Keyword Positioning – To boost your Google AdWords rankings, you will want to create keyword phrases that are highly searched, yet have a low competition. When you combine these keywords with the proper keyword positioning, you can dramatically increase your CTR (click through rate) without spending much money on advertising. To do this, use the Google Keyword Positioning Tool to identify highly searched keywords that have low competition but a high overall search volume. Then create a webpage with the keyword phrase as the primary headline, along with relevant content that is optimized around the phrase.
This will give you a nice view of your competition and will provide you with the ability to track and view your own click through rates. From there, you can optimize your website around these critical data points, and target keywords with low competition but a high search volume. To do this, you just log into your Google Webmaster Tools account and go to the appropriate section in the link wheel menu. From there, you can track each keyword and view your competitors’.
The Google Keyword Positioning tool, and its various other Google Analytics Tools are designed to help you determine where you are in the organic rankings for your keywords. You will be able to see which of your competitor’s websites are getting the most traffic, which ones are having the most searches, and which one’s have the most impressions. These statistics can be collected and used for optimization, and helping you get higher rankings with Google AdWords. But to do this, you need to be able to track your own keyword performance and compare it to the competition.
There is a free tool called Keyword Elite that you can use to track your keyword ranking keywords. From there, you can also find out which terms are bringing in the most traffic and how much money is being spent on them, and by extension, the competition. The more information that you gather, the more successful your campaigns will become. So start tracking your own keywords and watch your results grow!