
Protecting Rental Properties From Legionella

Testing and landlords responsibility can be quite confusing. As a landlord though you aren’t legally obligated to screen for Legionella at all. Of course, you’re responsible to make sure the domestic water supply in your rental properties is safe, but a risk analysis will tell you whether or not testing is even an appropriate part of your rental property maintenance. So if you have a problem with mold or suspect it may have been brought in through an infected water supply you should make sure you do something about it before it gets worse.

legionella risk assessment

There are many places where you can get a risk management plan or a sample from the source itself, but another option is to have a laboratory perform a Legionella testing for you. It’s important to understand that this type of mold testing is not always as accurate or comprehensive as a manual investigation would be, so it’s recommended that you don’t rely on the results completely. Still, it can give you a good idea if you have a problem and the level of concern you should be working at is appropriate. If you don’t think you have a real problem, you can use the results to make improvements and set up a more effective cleaning plan for your rental properties.

In the end, you’ll want to know what to do if you think you have an issue with mold and/or legionella testing can help you determine what steps to take next. Professional lab testing solutions can give you an accurate diagnosis much faster and easier than relying on your own guesswork. If you find yourself worried and wondering whether you have an issue with mold, it’s important to know that you’re not alone, and that there are solutions available to you. By keeping an eye out for the telltale signs and staying vigilant, you can protect your rental properties and reduce your risk of any problems.