• Finance & Investment

    Property management software can aid in the management of the properties

    The main function for Property Management is to find the best tenants for your property. They’ll promote your property to draw quality renters. Property managers will run a screening process for tenants to ensure that the tenants are legally eligible to be able to rent your property. They’ll screen prospective tenants on the basis of objective qualifications that include a stable income, verification of employment and a clean credit history and a history of renting. In general the property manager will charge a lease fee for each tenant. Mike McGahan Ottawa In addition to providing assistance to tenants, you’ll receive favorable reviews. Tenants who work with a property manager will…

  • Finance & Investment

    When it comes to collecting rent, property managers have the

    How Technology Is Changing the Way Property Management Is Done With the changing landscape and the rise of new technology, property managers have had to adapt their services to better serve their clients. In addition to being aware of new developments in technology, property managers must also seek ways to improve fee income and maintain personal client relationships. Property management has changed in recent years due to external factors such as lender regulation and government legislation, as well as the growth of real estate investment trusts. Fortunately, new technology platforms are available to help property managers deliver more profitable services to their clients. Mike McGahan CLV Group Most property management…