SEO refers to the art of boosting your site’s search engine rankings via all possible avenues. Backlinks, also known as inbound links, links pointing towards your site from another site. In simple terms, backlinks are links located on other sites pointing back to your own site. This provides for a natural increase in the number of your site’s page views, and consequently, its rankings on major search engines such as Yahoo!, MSN and Google. It is an important step to consider when you want to learn how to do in seo.
Getting links to your site can be done in a number of ways, but the most popular means by far is through article submissions to article directories. You submit articles pertaining to your field of expertise, a certain topic you are passionate about, or anything that can be useful to your target readers. Some sites will also allow you to add a link to the bottom of each article you write, thus allowing readers to click through to your site. Most article directories will also allow one-way back links, which are links coming from a completely different site and leading back to your own.
Social bookmarking is a method used to post comments, questions, answers, and other types of content to websites and blogs. By bookmarking these sites, you create backlinks to your site. These backlinks can be very valuable to help your ranking, especially if your content is controversial or debatable.
Link exchanges are simply exchanges where you agree to tackle a certain page on your site to another site. Usually, the website offering a product or service of value to the person wanting to exchange the link, with the understanding that their website will be listed within the link directory. This is one way to get high quality links that have some sort of expiration date on them, preventing them from being pulled due to excessive spam.
Article marketing is a great way for you to build your list of readers, and can be a great way to use backlinks to help with your SEO efforts. Create an article that can be linked to from your page in the resource box. Then send the link to as many article directories as possible. Most article directories will allow you to include a resource box with the article, which contains a link to your site. Using this method is not only helpful for building your list of readers, but it is also helps to build your credibility as well.
Posting comments on other people’s blogs can be a great way to get for your own website. When you do this, simply put your URL at the bottom of your comment, with a note pointing out where you got the idea for the comment. Then leave the rest of the post as is. It doesn’t even have to have a link to your site, just a simple endorsement of another blog is enough. You don’t even have to be involved in the original blog in any way to create these , you can simply follow another user’s lead and leave a comment on their blog.